tirsdag, mai 09, 2006

Kjære Anonymous

Takk for den hyggelege kommentaren til fise humoren min i forrige blogg innlegg. Det er godt å vita at nokon fin les det eg skriv, og kjem med opp byggelege tilbake meldingar. Stå på!

Dessutan er det kjempe kjekt at du til og med veit kven eg er. Det hender eg lurar litt på akkurat det sjølv, ser du, men takka vera ditt vel retta spark i bak enden min, kom eg fram til at det ikkje er hald bart. Derfor har eg gjort meg visse under søkingar, først og fremst på inter nett:

Her er det eg kom fram til:

lin is new bio sci dean
lin is working on markov decision processes
lin is asian show
lin is having fun
lin is new bio sci dean shin lin
lin is currently involved in experiments to determine the necessary conditions for cohesive collisions in the context of
lin is alumnus of the year
lin is intended for people who already know about bayes linear methods
lin is on sale
lin is a five
lin is likely homesick
lin is new taiwan stock exchange chairman
lin is proud to be the home of the national recreation database – practical resources from the front lines
lin is a good kisser may 02
lin is a diamond ring that stays exactly where you leave it
lin is an application suite for the linux operating system that provides hardware management in a way similar to microsoft's windows operating systems
lin is brutally tortured in the beijing judicial and education training center
lin is outraged but cannot do anything because the grand general is a high ranking official
lin is certainly no pushme
lin is co
lin is a news anchor for cnn/us
lin is all the time confused about their robberies and aggressive behaviors
lin is highly regarded by colleagues and clients
lin is a mythical chinese animal that appears to guard and to carry out the sentences of righteous judges and rulers
lin is mentioned in this warning
lin is there
lin is situated on 160 acres on and around barlow lake in middleville
lin is good at keeping secrets
lin is very
lin is based on many chinese concepts
lin is not really a violent art when looked at from a monks point of view
lin is the facility on your right
lin is concerned
lin is singing a different tune
lin is a hero because when her design was under heavy fire from the government and the press
lin is an artist of great vision and prescience
lin is at the top of her form
lin is a taiwanese bookstore that is actually another branch location of the nearby great eastern books down the street
lin is currently director of the molecular urology laboratory in the department of urology at ucsf
lin is joined by juilliard faculty
lin is a sculptor
lin is fairly well known
lin is an excellent prose adaptation of the old song
lin is an ancient scots ballad which also appears in scandinavia
lin is not a chinese animal
lin is to be found in the first comprehensive history of china called the
lin is similar to the landowners he enjoys working with in tazmania
lin is the proposal of a largely european consortium of automakers
lin is responsible for numerous technical advances within the field of guidance
lin is not soft and reserved like many of the characters she has portrayed on screen
lin is a
lin is also fluent in five chinese languages
lin is a story usually but not always set in the borderlands of scotland
lin is a woman of almost ferocious conviction
lin is by ken's second wife who had left ken
lin is perhaps best known
lin is the daughter of intellectual parents
lin is recognized as one of the most eloquent and award
lin is so
lin is one of the few masters in the united states who can help make this form of healing available to the people
lin is the executive director and co
lin is de duizendste promovendus
lin is a low
lin is an object
lin is very sure everyone has forgotten about her considering she has been gone for so long
lin is perhaps the world's greatest living soprano
lin is also head of the laboratory of stem cells and germline development for the duke comprehensive cancer
lin is a serial communications protocol for sub
lin is known for his highly principled position and high standards
lin is a professional who does not need much time to diagnose and treat
lin is a good qigong healer
lin is recognized as one of the most successful young pianists today
lin is a family law mediator
lin is connected to the following things
lin is on the left
lin is in
lin is willing
lin is situated on the threshold of form and formlessness
lin is a senior research scientist at the information sciences institute of the university of southern california
lin is a well
lin is a longtime observer of china's educational system with several books to her credit
lin is great
lin is an artist of strong
lin is a longtime activist in taiwan' environmental and democracy movements
lin is by far the most ambitious project on the line
lin is cute in this film
lin is not teaching any other class in the same semester
lin is the instructor for you
lin is an advisor to the courts of beijing and shanghai and is an arbitrator of e

Så no reknar eg med at den saka er ute av verda. Eller kva, kjære Anonymous?

5 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Fantastisk moro! :) Googlisms, altså, anonyme beskjeder er jo i en annen kategori. Om Therese kan vi lære følgende:
therese is still sending miracles
therese is an extraordinary and gifted person
therese is a beautiful and inspiring one
therese is the definition of a great modern teacher
therese is beautiful
therese is a must see

(ok, jeg tok ut høydepunktene, as one does)
Samtidig som disse punktene gjorde meg litt bekymra;
therese is this young woman who marries an older man
therese is raped by a lot of anonymous fellows in black watch caps
therese is dying on a cold night in france

Framtida ser brått litt underlig ut.

Ingvild sa...

Ha! Der fikk'n tenker jeg. Dessuten, hvordan kan en som er anonym kritisere andre for å være det? Skjønner ikke den bittelille hjernen min, i hvert fall...

Her er resultatet av min tur til googlisms (usensurert men kommentert):

ingling is anxious to (to do what???)

ingling is a partner in the w ashington dc firm of kirkpatrick and lockhart llp (jeg burde være rik med andre ord. Show me the money!)

ingling is the surname to post (mmmmhmmm??)

ingling is also a specialist in arms and the humane killing of animals (WHAT?)

ingling is pleased with the progress of the implementation and use of the system Njaaaa, ganske :-)

ingling is currently writing an opengl version of the ps (javisst ja, opengl er liksom min greie)

ingling is trying very hard to accommodate our needs (for hardt, kanskje?)

ingling is that these (ahem, javel ja)


Anonym sa...

Ha ha - jævli morsomt.

Jeg har gode grunner til å være anonym, Og jeg VET hvem du er. Men du vet ikke om meg.

Et hint: Kroa på Volda.

Ingvild sa...

Mystisk, mystisk... Kan godt hende du har gode grunner til det, men da kan du jo ikke kritisere -lin for det samme. Vi er mange som har gode grunner til å være hel- og halvanonyme. Og det er vel helt greit, vel :-)

-lin sa...

Heisann! Der var du jo igjen! Er det ein tidlegare voldastudent eg har med å gjera? Så kjekt! Kroa i Volda er kanskje ikkje det mest utfyllande hintet eg har vore ute for i mi tid, men det er vel neppe meininga heller.

Poenget mitt er bare at det ikkje akkurat plagar meg så mykje om du "vet hvem jeg er". Det veit faktisk dei fleste som les sida mi med jamne eller ujamne mellomrom.

At eg ikkje oppgir namn her, betyr ikkje at eg har noko å skjula, men at eg ikkje syns at f.eks framtidige arbeidsgjevarar treng lesa mine frustrasjonsutbrot over dette og hint før dei evt kallar meg inn til intervju. Kall meg gjerne feig - det plagar meg eigentleg fint lite om du (eller andre) heller syns eg burde stått fram med namn og nummer, slik mange andre gjer.

Viss du vil ha nærmare kontakt, eller finna ut om du har rett i antagelsane dine om kven eg er, må du gjerne senda meg ein epost til oslolin@gmail.com. Kanskje me kan pratast om Kroa?

Venlege helsingar, -lin